
13 febrero, 2007

Informe confidencial de Bellringer sobre la Misión de Nesara

(Este informe de Bellringer era secreto y no para publicarlo por motivos de seguridad, pero una vez que ha salido publicado en la lista de Ángeles Perspicaces y se ha pasado de fecha, ya ha perdido su confidencialidad, y por lo tanto no rompo ningún secreto al publicarlo traducido, porque los ciudadanos soberanos del mundo tenemos derecho a saber lo que sucede.- G.H.)

Informe confidencial de Bellringer sobre la Misión de Nesara

'Hay 43 políticos más detenidos
este fin de semana en Washington'

'Colin Powell está listo para asumir
el control del Gobierno de EE.UU.'

'China está a cargo del proceso
apoyada por muchos países'
Sábado 10 de febrero de 2007

1.- Hay 43 políticos más detenidos este fin de semana en Washington. Los nombres se van a anunciar en los noticiarios del lunes, mañana por la mañana. (Esto no se ha cumplido todavía.)

2.- G.W. Busy planea volar a Sudamérica esta noche a Paraguay para esconderse. Probablemente no se le permitirá hacerlo.

3.- Colin Powell está listo para asumir el control de los reinados del Gobierno de EE.UU. el lunes por la mañana. (Tampoco ha salido esta noticia.)

4.- ¡El lunes, el 12 de febrero es el gran día!

- Entregas.
- Anuncio de Nesara.
(Esto tampoco se ha cumplido todavía.)

5.- China está a cargo y no dejará a EE.UU. hasta la financiación, Nesara hecho y todo firmado de modo que no pueda haber ninguna revocación de nada. China está apoyada por muchos países que están aquí para ayudar.

6.- El nuevo Tribunal Internacional Nº 2 más la Reina que estafó el programa (de prosperidad) Morgan fueron atrapados o agarrados. Ahora se está uniendo el Tribunal Internacional Nº 3. China está a cargo del programa Morgan.


Informe actualizado de Christopher Story

'Orden internacional para
la detención de Tony Blair'

'Una grave crisis internacional
se desliza fuera de control'

Sábado 10 de febrero de 2007

- El Primer Ministro británico fue cogido en el escándalo del robo de fondos del Embajador Leo Wanta.

- Otros 21 funcionarios, cargos políticos y banqueros se enfrentan a la orden internacional de detención.

- Doce de ellos son funcionarios públicos de EE.UU. incluyendo a Chertoff.

- Robert Gates menciona que se está preparando para la guerra con Rusia y China.

Las autoridades alemanas vuelven a emitir las órdenes internacionales de arresto. La oficina del Estado de la Señora Angela Merkel, la Canciller alemana, ha autorizado una nueva emisión de las órdenes internacionales de detención lanzadas el pasado mes de diciembre en el Tribunal “ad hoc” de tres jueces europeos en Alemania de acuerdo con la citación judicial del Tribunal Internacional de Justicia de La Haya, para los operarios financieros nombrados que mantienen alto poder en Inglaterra, EE.UU. y Alemania, así como renombrados banqueros centrales y comerciales, para ser detenidos. Doce altos funcionarios públicos de EE.UU. están incluidos en la lista de 22 personas para las que se están despachando tales órdenes de arresto.

El pasado mes de diciembre, el Secretario de Hacienda de EE.UU., Henry M. Paulson hijo, fue detenido en tal orden de arresto después de que se le había avisado específicamente que no desviara fondos ilegalmente, pero procedió a hacer justo eso mientras estaba en suelo alemán. El languideció o se desmoronó bajo la custodia de la Policía hasta que se filtró por operativos británicos. Posteriormente el ha sido inspeccionado continuamente por agentes británicos que según se afirma trabajan para la operación Tim Spicers Sandline que tiene un contrato con el Pentágono de 350 millones de dólares, que no puede confiar en agentes estadounidenses para que lleven a cabo sus instrucciones.

El relato completo está aquí:

Por Christopher Story FRSA, Redactor y Editor, International Currency Review, World Reports Limited, London and New York: www.worldreports.org Presionar News/Click Here y el botón Archive en www.worldreports.org de la página principal para los informes sobre la crisis de Wanta desde abril de 2006.


Análisis global de inteligencia internacional

'Cheney soborna a funcionarios para
abortar el pago de los fondos de Wanta'

'Los investigadores de la CIA llamados
Sombreros Blancos confirman el soborno'

'Los códigos estaban listos para el pago de
los fondos de Wanta el jueves 1 de febrero'

'La información de soborno se filtró desde
dentro del complejo de la Casa Blanca'

Por Christopher Story
Viernes 2 de febrero de 2007

El Vicepresidente de EE.UU., Richard Cheney, contra el cual se emitió una citación judicial por el Tribunal Internacional de Justicia que está pendiente y cuya inmunidad por sus consecuencia no se ha levantado, sobornó a uno de más funcionarios asociados con la Hacienda de EE.UU. el pasado jueves o antes esta semana, para bloquear la liquidación del pago de los fondos del Embajador Leo Wanta.

Los dineros se transfirieron realmente a las cuentas bancarias de los funcionarios sobornados, para detener la liquidación de los fondos de Wanta, según los investigadores y las fuentes informativas de los llamados “Sombreros Blancos” de la CIA.

'El Presidente Bush firmó el pago de
los papeles en el Banco de Nueva York'

El miércoles 31 de enero, el Presidente George W. Bush hijo, apareció en las oficinas del Banco de Nueva York, en la ciudad de Nueva York, donde firmó personalmente los documentos autorizando que se hiciera el pago de 4,5 trillones de dólares a las cuentas de seguridad del AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. del Embajador Leo Wanta. Él hizo esto de acuerdo con su empresa, pero no impidió la liquidación nunca más, dada al Tribunal Internacional por la Señora Condoleeza Rice, según lo mencionado en nuestro informe anterior.

Pero los documentos no se ejecutaron a través de la conformidad de la Hacienda de EE.UU., que era irregular. Por consiguiente, se puso al sistema en cortocircuito por una hoja impropia fuera de balance y otros propósitos, permitiendo que Cheney y sus asociados corruptos tuvieran acceso a los fondos con el fin de generar más hojas fuera de balance, acumulaciones sin impuestos utilizando el dinero del Embajador sin el permiso de Wanta.

Específicamente, el jueves 1 de febrero, Cheney negó corruptamente la autoridad de la conformidad del personal de Hacienda de EE.UU. impidiéndoles activar los códigos bancarios acordados previamente y remitiendo por fin los 4,5 trillones de dólares a las cuentas de seguridad del Embajador.

'Cheney revoca explícitamente
las instrucciones del Presidente'

Al obrar así, él revocó las instrucciones bancarias firmadas por el propio Presidente de EE.UU., representando un acto de traición que probablemente no tiene precedente histórico. Este hombre arrogante parece correr anillos alrededor del Presidente Bush hijo quien puede o no haberse dado cuenta que Cheney, al igual que Paulson, ha estado metiendo su nariz en la Casa Blanca para su propia ganancia personal.

Antes de la detención del Secretario de Hacienda Paulson, predijimos que su arrogancia conduciría a una caída dramática: y esto sucedió debidamente. Ahora predecimos que el Vicepresidente Richard Cheney está encabezando e incluso humillando con más obstáculos y al haber retrasado su dimisión puede encontrar que sus colegas funcionarios se vuelven contra él agudamente.

'Los investigadores y los Sombreros Blancos de
la CIA están furiosos por este abuso añadido'

Los investigadores furiosos han informado al Embajador y a Michael C. Cottrell, M.S., Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Tesorero de AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc., que -citamos- “Cheney sobornó a alguien en Hacienda para no hacer el pago”. Esta declaración se confirmó por separado por fuentes de los “Sombreros Blancos” de la CIA, Langley. Las fuentes agregaron: “Cheney y todos los atados al dinero trabajaron el fin de semana”.

Se cree que estos operativos granujas sabían que el Sr. Cottrell estaba refrenando deliberadamente la autorización de cualquier colocación adicional en Internet esta semana, dando su aceptación al valor de cara de la línea que el pago se iba a completar el viernes 2 de febrero. No se puede confiar en tal garantía más que en las firmas oficiales sobre documentos de EE.UU. como sabe todo el mundo.

Los 4,5 trillones de dólares etiquetados y destinados al Embajador y al AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, permanecen localizados en el Banco de Nueva York (como se informó previamente). Los códigos bancarios son válidos normalmente durante 48 horas, pero en esta ocasión se extendió el periodo: expiró automáticamente en la media noche del jueves 1 de febrero. Después de media noche de la fecha de expiración, no se pueden activar los viejos códigos y se deben emitir nuevos códigos para la siguiente semana.

Traducido por Guillermo Herrera
(Sigue el informe en inglés ante la falta
de tiempo para traducirlo en su totalidad.)


It is thought that Cheney and other operatives are running the funds through the Federal Interbank Settlement Fund ­ the closed, unsupervised ‘central bank’ network which enables crooked Federal Reserve officials and their associates elsewhere in the US Federal structures, and in parallel structures abroad, to generate fiat money funds beyond all scrutiny and to stash the untaxed proceeds into offshore bank accounts.

Investigators informed us at 3.00 am UK time on Friday 2nd February that enormously large dollar movements out of the United States to a ‘back room’ operation at the Bank of England, which functions round the clock, have been monitored. The Bank of England office is issuing short-term loans with interest rates starting at 25%, the informed New York financial sources tell us. These loans represent bridge (or ‘gap’) loans to large businesses.

The resulting US dollar deposits, running into trillions of dollars, are being returned to the United States ­ a process known as ‘churning’.

The corrupt officials are believed to be exploiting the $4.5 trillion cash-cash deposit belonging to Ambassador Wanta, which is a rare example of the hard dollar cash from which collateralised hypothecation transactions can be (illegally) mounted. In other words, Cheney et al are using Wanta’s $4.5 trillion, as a ‘piggy bank’. We were also informed by the same Treasury sources that Henry M. Paulson is involved in these illegal financial operations: in other words, though disgraced following his arrest in Europe, humiliated and without ICJ immunity, Paulson has predictably resumed the scamming operations in which he was notoriously engaged before his arrest.


These operations, facilitated by the Bank of England which accordingly appears to be a co-conspirator to the misuse of the underlying funds, are being run through the Federal Interbank Settlement Fund in a massive orgy of fiat money-making which must certainly be approved by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown. There may be a reason for this. Mr Brown, whose conduct of Britain’s financial and economic affairs has been quite appalling (all the UK numbers, macroeconomic and financial, look dreadful) may be on the threshold of power, given that the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, was questioned on Thursday for a second time by police investigating the loans-for honours affair. On Wednesday, his ‘gopher’ friend Lord Levy, in charge of raising funds for the Labour Party, was arrested for a second time.

[Underlying this ‘loans for honours’ scandal is the corrupt manner in which British political parties are financed. An illegal UK ‘Black’ intelligence agency, GO-2, situated inside MI6, runs two drug cartels into Britain, devastating the lives of thousands of British people. Proceeds from these evil operations are laundered to finance the political parties.

One way this is done is to entice ambitious businessmen and others burdened with large egos, with the prospect of a knighthood or a peerage, in exchange for, say, a soft loan or a donation of £1.0 million. Sensitive sources inform us that a hidden component of such transactions involves the targeted ‘donor’ or ‘lender’ being ‘promised’ the repayment of his donation or loan, plus a matching sum, to be deposited into his offshore bank account, no questions asked. GO-2, like elements of MI6, serves the interests of the Pan-German establishment ­ the strategy of which is determined by our friends at DVD: Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau, the Magus of which is allegedly George H. W. Bush Sr..

Both the United States and Britain ­ collectively ‘the Main Enemy’ ­ are victims of long-range DVD corruption strategy, which is intended to reverse the outcomes of two World Wars and to hasten the mad idolatry of the New (Under)world Order, which these secret continuing Nazis believe they will eventually dominate].


The US House of Representatives has a Bill to abolish the Federal Reserve (see previous postings) which had been expected to be approved on 1st February. The House appears to have refrained from voting on this Resolution, raising suspicions of collusion with the Cheney-directed (OMEGA OPS) conspirators, to enable further fiat money to be generated from Wanta’s funds pending the Fed's abolition ­ following which the Treasury will assume central banking functions.

The House Bill contains a schedule for phasing out the Federal Reserve, details of which, like the Bill itself, have not yet been disclosed.

UPDATE: We now understand that the Bill was passed but was NOT SIGNED, which strongly implies that the President of the United States may still be a co-conspirator with the Vice President.

When the Federal Reserve is abolished, the Federal Interbank Settlement Fund will be closed down along with it ­ shutting off the lucrative conduit which has been heavily exploited by rogue criminal operatives within the Fed and the Federal Government for untaxed, off-the-books, unsupervised self-enrichment, and other nefarious purposes.

On the face of it, therefore, it seems that the crooks concerned may have colluded with the House of Representatives to delay the planned abolition of the Fed in order to maximise the potential of corrupt transactions via the discredited Federal Interbank Settlement Fund.


All week long, massive secret financial transactions have been instigated by the Treasury, with CIA-controlled funds being delivered all over the world. Payments were being made to central banks and to some ‘Bretton Woods’ payees. Meanwhile the Pentagon is expecting to receive funds for Iraq next week, even though the idea of putting 21,500 extra troops into a city of over 6 million people in the prevailing circumstances is acknowledged by almost everyone, including senior US military officers, to be certifiable lunacy.

As is well known, Cheney is being exposed in the Libby trial, the outcome of which, along with the ICJ subpoena which remains in place, makes it a virtual certainty that this ever more discredited Vice President will be unable to extend his borrowed time in office in accordance with his evident preference. Sources say he adamantly refuses to resign, but it is thought that events, domestic and foreign, may not accommodate him on this score.

When Cheney is called as a witness, the first question the Prosecutor should ask is: 'Are you presently subject to any subpoena or any other judicially assisted court process?'


Additionally, Henry M. Paulson, whose arrest in Europe in December led to his being obliged to submit to the indignity of having the day-to-day running of the Treasury taken over since 26th January 2007 by the Deputy Treasury Secretary, Robert M. Kimmitt, was given a hard time on 31st January by the Senate Banking Committee, as reported in the press on Thursday. Paulson and up to 18 other senior officials are crowding under an immunity ‘umbrella’ arranged with the International Court of Justice. Their immunity is strictly conditional upon fulfilment of the Wanta $4.5 trillion Settlement payment. Since this payment has again been diverted, the immunity offered to these operatives remains pending only. That means that every time these people travel to certain countries, they risk being arrested, like the disgraced Mr Paulson.

The intended illusion of ‘business as usual’ in the American capital, is misleading: no business can proceed as usual in Washington, DC, until the $4.5 trillion Wanta Settlement has been implemented in accordance with the May 2006 agreement and the requirements of the international community and the International Court of Justice.


Various despicable hired hacks working for rogue elements of the US intelligence community continue, meanwhile, to denigrate the Ambassador and the Editor of this service. At least one of these operatives now has a ‘Case Number’ and is under surveillance, while two others’ libellous output is being closely monitored for appropriate action upon advice.

What we are dealing with here is a rogue group of globalist criminals operating from inside the US intelligence community and the Federal Government, exploiting its protection, and that afforded by high office, for personal gain and in furtherance of a nefarious agenda which has nothing whatsoever to do with the interests of the American people.


The fact that investigators and even ‘white hats’ within the CIA have been prepared to confirm to us that the Vice President of the United States, Richard Cheney, has bribed officials associated with the US Treasury to enable him and his associates to preside over the further diversion, stalling, collateralisation, hypothecation and exploitation of Ambassador Wanta’s tagged funds yet again, is a domestic and international financial scandal of unprecedented proportions.

The investigators and CIA 'white hats' have even specifically stated that money was placed in the bank accounts of the bribed officials, for this purpose. That's pretty explicit.

The sooner these criminals are flushed out of power and are made to pay dearly for their criminality, the better for America and the Rest of the World, which remains aghast at these developments These renegades are despised and loathed by all upright people everywhere.


Do not imagine that this is the end of the Wanta Settlement. The funds remain tagged with Bank of New York, which has not, as it should have done, transferred the $4.5 trillion to the securities account of AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc, with Morgan Stanley, New York.

Not only are the reputations of named US officials in shreds, but the standing of major American financial institutions is in jeopardy ­ as leading international money men prepare to run for the exit, which will occur any time now, given the continuation of these criminal operations.

There is of course no telling what will happen next. By hijacking the settlement process yet again ­ after President Bush had travelled to New York specifically to sign off the documents with the Bank of New York ­ Cheney is committing further treason against the United States, and deserves to be arrested and impeached, according to US sources consulted by the Editor of International Currency Review. His arrogance is such that he believes he is above the law, both domestic and foreign.


Funds that ought to have been deployed not only to begin paying down the US Treasury’s massive background debt, but should also long since have been financing crucial US domestic projects, as well as being employed for underwriting the new securities system (as mentioned in our previous posting), have instead been siphoned off repeatedly by a desperate, arrogant rogue group of US mafia criminal operatives who are sabotaging the future of the United States, and who appear to be impervious to the increasing likelihood that they are fostering a global financial catastrophe.

The irony is that all the dirty ‘funny money’ they have been generating, and continue to summon out of thin air, will wind up being worthless if the balloon goes up and a run on the US dollar, the like of which has never been seen, starts in earnest.

George Orwell: 'In an age of deceit, speaking the truth is a revolutionary act'.

J. Edgar Hoover: 'The individual is handicapped coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous, he cannot believe it exists'. [As with the holocaust].

Martin Luther King: 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere'.

US friend: 'You are to be congratulated on a masterful piece of research in exposing the treason and the biggest heist in history'.

Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta: Diplomatic Passport Numbers 04362 & 12535 a.k.a. Frank B. Ingram [FBI] (Sector V) SA32NV; and a.k.a. Rick Reynolds, SA233MS. AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc: Federal EIN Number 20-3866855; Virginia State Corporation Identification Number: 0617454-4; Virginia State Department of Taxation Identification Number: 30203866855F001


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